
POST   /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/
GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/
GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/
PATCH  /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/
DELETE /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/

Project Object


  • name string (required)

    Name of the project

  • identifier string (required)

    Unique Identifier of project for the workspace

  • description string

    Project description

  • total_members integer

    Total members present in the project.

  • total_cycles integer

    Total number of cycles present in the project.

  • total_modules integer

    Total number of modules present in the project.

  • is_member boolean

    The current requesting user is a member of the project or not

  • member_role integer

    The current requesting users role in the project.

  • is_deployed integer

    Represents if the project is deployed and publicly visible.

  • created_at timestamp

    The timestamp of the time when the project was created

  • updated_at timestamp

    The timestamp of the time when the project was last updated

  • network integer

    Is the project public or secret it takes in two values either (0,2)

    • 0 - Secret
    • 2 - Public
  • emoji string

    HTML emoji DEX code without the &#

  • icon_prop json

    saves the data of the project icon

  • module_view bool

    Enable disable module for the project in the UI

  • cycle_view bool

    Enable disable cycle for the project in the UI

  • inbox_view bool

    Enable disable intake for the project in the UI

  • page_view bool

    Enable disable pages for the project in the UI

  • issue_views_view bool

    Enable disable project views for the project in the UI

  • cover_image url

    URL for the image for the project cover

  • archive_in integer

    Months in which the issue should be automatically archived can take values between (0,12)

  • close_in integer

    Months in which the issue should be auto closed can take values between (0,12)

  • created_by , updated_by uuid

    This values are auto saved and represent the id of the user that created or the updated the project

  • workspace uuid

    The workspace uuid where the project is created saved automatically

  • default_assignee uuid

    The uuid of the user who is a workspace member that have issues assigned automatically if the issue does not have any assignee

  • project_lead uuid

    The uuid of the user who is a workspace member that leads the project

  • estimate uuid

    UUID of the estimate of the project

  • default_state

    Default state which will be used when the issues will be auto closed

Response Object