POST   /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/states/
GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/states/
GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/states/:state_id/
PATCH  /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/states/:state_id/
DELETE /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/states/:state_id/

State Object


  • name string ( required )

    Name of the state

  • created_at , updated_at timestamp

    Timestamp of the issue when it was created and when it was last updated

  • description string

    Description of the state

  • color string (required)

    String code of the color

  • workspace-slug string

    Slugified name of the state auto generated from the system

  • sequence string

    Auto generated sequence of the state for ordering.

  • group string (required)

    Group to which the state belongs can only take values

    • backlog
    • unstarted
    • started
    • completed
    • cancelled
  • default boolean

    Is it the default state in which if the issues are not assigned any states all the issues are created in this state.

  • created_by & updated_by

    This values are auto saved and represent the id of the user that created or the updated the project.

  • project uuid

    The project which the issue is part of auto generated from backend

  • workspace uuid

    The workspace which the issue is part of auto generated from backend