	"id": "e1c25c66-5bb8-465e-a818-92a483423443",
	"created_at": "2023-11-19T11:56:55.176802Z",
	"updated_at": "2023-11-19T11:56:55.176809Z",
	"estimate_point": null,
	"name": "First Issue",
	"description_html": "<p></p>",
	"description_stripped": "",
	"priority": "none",
	"start_date": "2023-09-01",
	"target_date": "2023-10-04",
	"sequence_id": 421,
	"sort_order": 265535.0,
	"completed_at": null,
	"archived_at": null,
	"is_draft": false,
	"created_by": "16c61a3a-512a-48ac-b0be-b6b46fe6f430",
	"updated_by": "16c61a3a-512a-48ac-b0be-b6b46fe6f430",
	"project": "4af68566-94a4-4eb3-94aa-50dc9427067b",
	"workspace": "cd4ab5a2-1a5f-4516-a6c6-8da1a9fa5be4",
	"parent": null,
	"state": "f3f045db-7e74-49f2-b3b2-0b7dee4635ae",
	"assignees": [
	"labels": []

POST   /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/issues/
GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/issues/
GET    /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/
PATCH  /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/
DELETE /api/v1/workspaces/:workspace-slug/projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/

Issue Object


  • name string (required)

    Name of the issues

  • created_at , updated_at timestamp

    Timestamp of the issue when it was created and when it was last updated

  • estimate_point integer or null

    Total estimate points for the issue takes value between (0,7).

  • description_html string

    HTML description of the issue

  • description_stripped string

    Stripped version of the html description auto generated using the application.

  • priority string

    Priority of the issue takes in 5 values

    • none
    • urgent
    • high
    • medium
    • low
  • start_date date

    Start date of the issue

  • target_date date

    Target date of the issue

  • sequence_id integer

    Auto generated from the system the unique identifier of the issue

  • sort_order decimal

    Auto generated from the system during creation used for ordering

  • completed_at timestamp or null

    Timestamp when the issue is moved to any completed group state

  • created_by & updated_by

    This values are auto saved and represent the id of the user that created or the updated the project.

  • project uuid

    The project which the issue is part of auto generated from backend

  • workspace uuid

    The workspace which the issue is part of auto generated from backend

  • parent uuid

    The uuid of the parent issue which should be part of the same workspace

  • state uuid

    The uuid of the state which is present in the project where the issue is being created.

  • assignees - [uuid,]

    The array of uuids of the users who are part of the project where the issue is being created or updated.

  • labels - [uuid,]

    The array of uuids of the labels which are present in the project where the issue is being created or updated.

	"id": "e1c25c66-5bb8-465e-a818-92a483423443",
	"created_at": "2023-11-19T11:56:55.176802Z",
	"updated_at": "2023-11-19T11:56:55.176809Z",
	"estimate_point": null,
	"name": "First Issue",
	"description_html": "<p></p>",
	"description_stripped": "",
	"priority": "none",
	"start_date": "2023-09-01",
	"target_date": "2023-10-04",
	"sequence_id": 421,
	"sort_order": 265535.0,
	"completed_at": null,
	"archived_at": null,
	"is_draft": false,
	"created_by": "16c61a3a-512a-48ac-b0be-b6b46fe6f430",
	"updated_by": "16c61a3a-512a-48ac-b0be-b6b46fe6f430",
	"project": "4af68566-94a4-4eb3-94aa-50dc9427067b",
	"workspace": "cd4ab5a2-1a5f-4516-a6c6-8da1a9fa5be4",
	"parent": null,
	"state": "f3f045db-7e74-49f2-b3b2-0b7dee4635ae",
	"assignees": [
	"labels": []