If you’re upgrading from v0.13.2 or below, there are some additional migration steps due to significant changes in the self-hosting setup. Follow these instructions to migrate your data to the new volume structure in v0.14.0.

  1. First, stop the running v0.13-2 (or older) instance of Plane. If it’s still running, you might hit a “ports not available” error, which will prevent the v0.14-0 containers from starting up correctly.

    docker compose down
  2. Create a new folder for v0.14-0 to ensure a clean installation.

    mkdir plane-selfhost
    cd plane-selfhost
  3. Set up the environment variable for the RELEASE variable, then download and prepare the installation script:

    export RELEASE=v0.14-dev
    curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeplane/plane/master/deploy/selfhost/install.sh | sed -e 's@BRANCH=${BRANCH:-master}@BRANCH='"$RELEASE"'@' -e 's@APP_RELEASE="stable"@APP_RELEASE='"$RELEASE"'@' > setup.sh
    chmod +x setup.sh
  4. Execute the script to install Plane:

    ./setup.sh install
  5. Start up your new v0.14-0 Plane instance:

    ./setup.sh start
  6. Now stop the instance to initialize the new Docker volumes:

    ./setup.sh stop
  7. Download the migration script:

    curl -fsSL -o migrate.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/makeplane/plane/master/deploy/selfhost/migration-0.13-0.14.sh
    chmod +x migrate.sh
  8. Run the migration script:


    You’ll see the following instructions:

    This script is solely for the migration purpose only.
    This is a 1 time migration of volume data from v0.13.2 => v0.14.x
    1. Postgres data volume name ends with _pgdata
    2. Minio data volume name ends with _uploads
    3. Redis data volume name ends with _redisdata
    Any changes to this script can break the migration.
    Before you proceed, make sure you run the below command
    to know the docker volumes
    docker volume ls -q | grep -i "_pgdata"
    docker volume ls -q | grep -i "_uploads"
    docker volume ls -q | grep -i "_redisdata"
    Given below list of REDIS volumes, identify the prefix of source and destination volumes leaving "_redisdata"
    Provide the Source Volume Prefix :
  9. Open a second terminal and run the commands shown above to identify your source and destination volume prefixes. For example, if you run docker volume ls -q | grep -i "_pgdata", you might see something like:

    In this example, plane-013-dev is the prefix for v0.13.2, and plane-app is the prefix for v0.14.0.

  10. Return to the original terminal, enter the source volume prefix plane-013-dev and destination volume prefix plane-app, and press ENTER:

    Provide the Source Volume Prefix : plane-013-dev
    Provide the Destination Volume Prefix : plane-app

    If there are any issues, an error will appear. For a successful migration, there will be no error, and the process will exit quietly.

  11. Restart the upgraded v0.14.0 instance with:

    ./setup.sh restart
  12. Login as instance admin by appending /god-mode to your domain.

  13. Once logged in, just click Save Changes to finalize your setup.

  14. You’re all set! Log in to your updated v0.14-0 instance to check if all of your data has migrated successfully.

  15. Now, update to the latest version.