There would a time when you might want to check what is happening inside the API, Worker or any other container.

Lets again run the ./ command. You will again be prompted with the below options. This time select 6 to view logs.

Select a Action you want to perform:
   1) Install (x86_64)
   2) Start
   3) Stop
   4) Restart
   5) Upgrade
   6) View Logs
   7) Backup Data
   8) Exit

Action [2]: 6

This will further open sub-menu with list of services

Select a Service you want to view the logs for:
   1) Web
   2) Space
   3) API
   4) Worker
   5) Beat-Worker
   6) Migrator
   7) Proxy
   8) Redis
   9) Postgres
   10) Minio
   0) Back to Main Menu


Select any of the service to view the logs e.g. 3. Expect something similar to this

api-1  | Waiting for database...
api-1  | Database available!
api-1  | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1  | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1  | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1  | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1  | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1  | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1  | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1  | No migrations Pending. Starting processes ...
api-1  | Instance registered
api-1  | ENABLE_SIGNUP loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | ENABLE_EMAIL_PASSWORD loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | ENABLE_MAGIC_LINK_LOGIN loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | GITHUB_CLIENT_ID loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | EMAIL_HOST loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | EMAIL_HOST_USER loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | EMAIL_PORT loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | EMAIL_FROM loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | EMAIL_USE_TLS loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | EMAIL_USE_SSL loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | OPENAI_API_KEY loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | GPT_ENGINE loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1  | Checking bucket...
api-1  | Bucket 'uploads' does not exist. Creating bucket...
api-1  | Bucket 'uploads' created successfully.
api-1  | Public read access policy set for bucket 'uploads'.
api-1  | Cache Cleared
api-1  | [2024-05-02 03:56:01 +0000] [1] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 21.2.0
api-1  | [2024-05-02 03:56:01 +0000] [1] [INFO] Listening at: (1)
api-1  | [2024-05-02 03:56:01 +0000] [1] [INFO] Using worker: uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker
api-1  | [2024-05-02 03:56:01 +0000] [25] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 25
api-1  | [2024-05-02 03:56:03 +0000] [25] [INFO] Started server process [25]
api-1  | [2024-05-02 03:56:03 +0000] [25] [INFO] Waiting for application startup.
api-1  | [2024-05-02 03:56:03 +0000] [25] [INFO] ASGI 'lifespan' protocol appears unsupported.
api-1  | [2024-05-02 03:56:03 +0000] [25] [INFO] Application startup complete.

To exit this, use CTRL+C and then you will land on to the main-menu with the list of actions.

Similarly, you can view the logs of other services.