View container logs
There would a time when you might want to check what is happening inside the API, Worker or any other container.
Lets again run the ./ command. You will again be prompted with the below options. This time select 6
to view logs.
Select a Action you want to perform:
1) Install (x86_64)
2) Start
3) Stop
4) Restart
5) Upgrade
6) View Logs
7) Backup Data
8) Exit
Action [2]: 6
This will further open sub-menu with list of services
Select a Service you want to view the logs for:
1) Web
2) Space
3) API
4) Worker
5) Beat-Worker
6) Migrator
7) Proxy
8) Redis
9) Postgres
10) Minio
0) Back to Main Menu
Select any of the service to view the logs e.g. 3
. Expect something similar to this
api-1 | Waiting for database...
api-1 | Database available!
api-1 | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1 | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1 | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1 | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1 | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1 | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1 | Waiting for database migrations to complete...
api-1 | No migrations Pending. Starting processes ...
api-1 | Instance registered
api-1 | ENABLE_SIGNUP loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | ENABLE_EMAIL_PASSWORD loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | ENABLE_MAGIC_LINK_LOGIN loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | GITHUB_CLIENT_ID loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | EMAIL_HOST loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | EMAIL_HOST_USER loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | EMAIL_PORT loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | EMAIL_FROM loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | EMAIL_USE_TLS loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | EMAIL_USE_SSL loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | OPENAI_API_KEY loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | GPT_ENGINE loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY loaded with value from environment variable.
api-1 | Checking bucket...
api-1 | Bucket 'uploads' does not exist. Creating bucket...
api-1 | Bucket 'uploads' created successfully.
api-1 | Public read access policy set for bucket 'uploads'.
api-1 | Cache Cleared
api-1 | [2024-05-02 03:56:01 +0000] [1] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 21.2.0
api-1 | [2024-05-02 03:56:01 +0000] [1] [INFO] Listening at: (1)
api-1 | [2024-05-02 03:56:01 +0000] [1] [INFO] Using worker: uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker
api-1 | [2024-05-02 03:56:01 +0000] [25] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 25
api-1 | [2024-05-02 03:56:03 +0000] [25] [INFO] Started server process [25]
api-1 | [2024-05-02 03:56:03 +0000] [25] [INFO] Waiting for application startup.
api-1 | [2024-05-02 03:56:03 +0000] [25] [INFO] ASGI 'lifespan' protocol appears unsupported.
api-1 | [2024-05-02 03:56:03 +0000] [25] [INFO] Application startup complete.
To exit this, use CTRL+C
and then you will land on to the main-menu with the list of actions.
Similarly, you can view the logs of other services.