The Prime CLI lets you easily configure your Commercial Edition instance, providing options to customize the PostgreSQL database, Redis, external storage, and other advanced settings.

  1. Run the Prime CLI with ↓: sudo prime-cli

  2. Once the CLI is running, enter configure, which will guide you through a step-by-step form where you can specify the following:

    • Listening port
      Define the port for the built-in reverse proxy.
      Default: 80

    • Max file-upload size
      Set the maximum file size (in MB) that members can upload. Default: 5 MB

    • External Postgres URL
      Provide the URL of your external PostgreSQL instance if you want to switch from the default Plane configuration. Default: Postgres 15.5 in the Docker container.

      Don’t use a database on your local machine. If you use localhost in the URL, it won’t work. Make sure to use a database hosted on a network-accessible server.

      Avoid using special characters in your PostgreSQL password.

    • External Redis URL
      Specify the URL of your external Redis instance to override the default Redis configuration.
      Default: Redis 7.2.4

    • External storage
      Plane currently supports only S3 compatible storages.
      Default: MinIO

      1. Ensure your IAM user has the following permissions on your S3 bucket.
        • s3:GetObject
          To access the objects.
        • s3:PutObject
          To upload new assets using the presigned url.
      2. Configure the CORS policy on your bucket to enable presigned uploads. Use the example policy below, making sure to replace <YOUR_DOMAIN> with your actual domain.
                "AllowedHeaders": [
                "AllowedMethods": [
                "AllowedOrigins": [
                "ExposeHeaders": [
                "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000
      3. Switch to your external storage by providing the following values:
        • S3 access key ID 
        • S3 secret access key
        • S3 bucket name
        • S3 region 
        • S3 endpoint URL
  3. After confirming your choices, your instance will automatically restart with the updated configuration.