This guide provides a comprehensive overview of all environment variables used in the Commercial Edition. These variables allow you to customize your Plane instance to best fit your organization’s needs.

Where to find the .env file

The environment file for Plane Commercial Edition is located at:


This is where you’ll make all configuration changes. Remember to restart the instance after making changes to ensure they take effect.

Environment variables

General settings

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
INSTALL_DIRDirectory where Plane is installed./opt/plane
DOMAIN_NAMEPrimary domain name for your Plane instance. This determines how users will access your installation.localhost
APP_RELEASE_VERSIONThe version of Plane Commercial Edition you’re running. This helps with troubleshooting and ensures compatibility.Current release version
WEB_URLThe complete base URL for the web application including protocol (e.g.,
CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINSComma-separated list of origins allowed to make cross-origin requests to your API. Usually, this should include your WEB_URL.http://localhost
DEBUGToggles debug mode for more verbose logging and debugging information.0 (disabled)

Scaling and performance

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
WEB_REPLICASNumber of web server replicas for load balancing.1
SPACE_REPLICASNumber of space service replicas for workspaces.1
ADMIN_REPLICASNumber of admin service replicas.1
API_REPLICASNumber of API service replicas.1
WORKER_REPLICASNumber of worker service replicas for background tasks.1
BEAT_WORKER_REPLICASNumber of beat worker replicas for scheduled tasks.1
LIVE_REPLICASNumber of live service replicas for real-time updates.1
GUNICORN_WORKERSNumber of Gunicorn workers for handling web requests. Increase for better performance on high-traffic instances.2

Networking and security

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
LISTEN_HTTP_PORTPort for HTTP traffic.80
LISTEN_HTTPS_PORTPort for HTTPS traffic.443
APP_PROTOCOLProtocol to be used, either http or https.http
TRUSTED_PROXIESCIDR notation of trusted proxies for request forwarding. Important when behind load balancers or reverse proxies.
SSL_VERIFYWhether to verify SSL certificates for outgoing connections. Set to 0 only in development environments.1

SSL and certificates

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
CERT_EMAILEmail used for SSL certificate registration with Let’s Encrypt or other ACME
CERT_ACME_CAACME Certificate Authority URL for SSL certificate issuance.
CERT_ACME_DNSDNS provider configuration for SSL certificate domain validation. Format varies by provider.
SITE_ADDRESThe domain name and port required by Caddy for serving your Plane instance. This determines how Caddy will handle incoming requests.localhost:80

Database settings

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
PGHOSTHostname or IP address of your PostgreSQL server.plane-db
PGDATABASEName of the PostgreSQL database Plane will use.plane
POSTGRES_USERUsername for PostgreSQL authentication.plane
POSTGRES_PASSWORDPassword for PostgreSQL authentication. Critical: Use a strong, unique password here.plane
POSTGRES_DBSame as PGDATABASE - the name of the PostgreSQL database.plane
POSTGRES_PORTTCP port your PostgreSQL server is listening on.5432
PGDATADirectory path where PostgreSQL data is stored. Only relevant if you’re managing PostgreSQL within the same container/system./var/lib/postgresql/data
DATABASE_URLFull connection string for PostgreSQL. If provided, this takes precedence over individual connection parameters. Format: postgresql://username:password@host:port/dbname

Redis settings

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
REDIS_HOSTHostname or IP address of your Redis server.plane-redis
REDIS_PORTTCP port your Redis server is listening on.6379
REDIS_URLFull connection string for Redis.

RabbitMQ settings

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
RABBITMQ_HOSTHostname or IP address of your RabbitMQ server.plane-mq
RABBITMQ_PORTTCP port your RabbitMQ server is listening on.5672
RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USERUsername for RabbitMQ authentication.plane
RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASSPassword for RabbitMQ authentication.plane
RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOSTVirtual host for RabbitMQ, providing logical separation of resources.plane
AMQP_URLFull connection string for RabbitMQ. Format: amqp://username:password@host:port/vhost

Authentication and security

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
SECRET_KEYSecret key used for various cryptographic operations, including JWT token signing.
MACHINE_SIGNATUREUnique identifier for your instance, used for licensing and authentication.

File Storage (MinIO / S3)

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
USE_MINIODetermines whether to use MinIO for object storage. Set to 1 to enable MinIO, 0 to use configured S3 or local storage.1
AWS_REGIONAWS region for S3 storage services.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_IDAccess key for MinIO or AWS S3 authentication.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYSecret key for MinIO or AWS S3 authentication.
AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URLCustom endpoint URL for MinIO or S3-compatible storage.http://plane-minio:9000
AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAMES3 bucket name for file storage.uploads
MINIO_ROOT_USERUsername for MinIO authentication. This is effectively your MinIO admin account.access-key
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORDPassword for MinIO root user authentication. Keep this secure as it provides full access to your storage.secret-key
BUCKET_NAMES3 bucket name where all file uploads will be stored. This bucket will be automatically created if it doesn’t exist.uploads
FILE_SIZE_LIMITMaximum file upload size in bytes.5242880 (5MB)
MINIO_ENDPOINT_SSLForce HTTPS for MinIO when dealing with SSL termination. Set to 1 to enable.0

GitHub integration

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
GITHUB_CLIENT_IDOAuth client ID for GitHub integration.
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRETOAuth client secret for GitHub integration.
GITHUB_APP_NAMEGitHub App name for enhanced GitHub integration.
GITHUB_APP_IDGitHub App ID for enhanced GitHub integration.
GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEYPrivate key for GitHub App authentication.

Slack integration

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
SLACK_CLIENT_IDOAuth client ID for Slack integration.
SLACK_CLIENT_SECRETOAuth client secret for Slack integration.

GitLab integration

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
GITLAB_CLIENT_IDOAuth client ID for GitLab integration.
GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRETOAuth client secret for GitLab integration.

API settings

VariableDescriptionDefault Value
API_KEY_RATE_LIMITRate limit for API requests to prevent abuse. Format: number/timeunit60/minute