This guide walks you through setting up a Slack App to enable Slack integration for your Plane workspace on a self-hosted instance. Since self-hosted environments don’t come pre-configured for Slack, you’ll need to set up the necessary authentication, permissions, and event subscriptions to ensure seamless communication between Plane and Slack.

In this guide, you’ll:

  1. Create and configure a Slack App
  2. Configure your Plane instance

Activate Slack integration

After creating and configuring the Slack app and configuring the instance as detailed on this page, you’ll need to set up the Slack integration within Plane.

Create Slack App

To configure Slack integration, you’ll need to create a Slack App within your organization. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Your Apps on Slack.

  2. Click Create an App.

  3. Choose From a manifest.

  4. Select the workspace where you want the app installed.

  5. Remove the default manifest and paste the one below, making sure to update the placeholders with your actual values.

    "display_information": {
        "name": "[YOUR_APP_NAME]",
        "description": "[YOUR_APP_DESCRIPTION]",
        "background_color": "#224dab"
    "features": {
        "bot_user": {
            "display_name": "[YOUR_APP_NAME]",
            "always_online": false
        "shortcuts": [
                "name": "Create new issue",
                "type": "message",
                "callback_id": "create_new_issue",
                "description": "Create a new issue in plane"
        "slash_commands": [
                "command": "/plane",
                "url": "https://[YOUR_DOMAIN]silo/api/slack/command/",
                "description": "Create issue in Plane",
                "should_escape": false
        "unfurl_domains": [
    "oauth_config": {
        "redirect_urls": [
        "scopes": {
            "user": [
            "bot": [
    "settings": {
        "event_subscriptions": {
            "request_url": "https://[YOUR_DOMAIN]silo/api/slack/events",
            "bot_events": [
        "interactivity": {
            "is_enabled": true,
            "request_url": "https://[YOUR_DOMAIN]silo/api/slack/action/",
            "message_menu_options_url": "https://[YOUR_DOMAIN]silo/api/slack/options/"
        "org_deploy_enabled": false,
        "socket_mode_enabled": false,
        "token_rotation_enabled": true
  6. Review the permissions and click Create.

Manifest reference

The manifest file defines the configuration for integrating Plane with Slack. It requests access to several features, enabling Plane to interact with Slack efficiently.


bot_userRequired to send thread messages while syncing issues or sending Plane notifications to Slack.
slack_commandsA Slack command (/plane) allows users to create issues directly from Slack using a slash command.
shortcutsAfter activation, users can create issues from messages inside Slack.
unfurl_domainSpecifies the domain where Plane is hosted. When an issue, cycle, or module link is pasted in Slack, it generates a preview of the entity.


YOUR_DOMAINThe domain where Plane is hosted. This is required for sending webhook events and authentication callbacks.
YOUR_APP_NAMEThe name you want to give your Slack app. “Plane” is a good default option.
YOUR_APP_DESCRIPTIONA short description of your Slack app’s purpose.

Event subscription

For thread sync and link unfurling to work, event subscriptions must be enabled. These events send relevant activity to Plane.

Bot eventExplanation
link_sharedWhen a link is shared in Slack and its hostname matches unfurl_domain, Plane receives the event and generates a preview of the entity.
message_channelsWhen a message is posted in a channel, an event is triggered in Plane to support thread sync.
message_imWhen a direct message (DM) is posted, an event is triggered in Plane to support thread sync.

User permissions

chat:writeAllows the bot to send messages in channels and conversations it is a member of.
identifyAllows the bot to verify its own identity and retrieve basic information.
im:readEnables the bot to view direct messages (DMs) where it has been added.
im:writeAllows the bot to send direct messages (DMs) to users.
links:writePermits the bot to add, edit, and remove link unfurls.
links:readAllows the bot to view link unfurls and associated metadata.

Bot permissions

channels:joinAllows the bot to join public channels.
channels:readPermits viewing public channel information and members.
users:readAllows viewing user information and presence status.
users:read.emailEnables access to users’ email addresses.
chat:writeAllows sending messages in channels and conversations.
chat:write.customizeEnables customization of the bot’s name and profile when sending messages.
channels:historyAllows viewing message history in public channels.
groups:historyPermits viewing message history in private channels.
mpim:historyEnables access to message history in multi-person direct messages.
im:historyAllows viewing message history in direct messages.
links:readPermits viewing link unfurls and associated metadata.
links:writeAllows adding, editing, and removing link unfurls.
groups:readEnables viewing private channel information and members.
im:readAllows viewing direct messages where the bot is added.
mpim:readPermits viewing multi-person direct messages.
reactions:readEnables viewing emoji reactions on messages.
reactions:writeAllows adding and removing emoji reactions.
files:readPermits viewing and downloading files.
files:writeEnables uploading, editing, and deleting files.
im:writeAllows sending direct messages to users.
commandsEnables the bot to add and respond to slash commands.

Configure Plane instance

After creating your Slack app, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Event Subscriptions tab.

  2. Click Retry to verify your event subscription URL.

  3. Navigate to the Basic Information tab on Slack to find your client_id and client_secret.

  4. Add these environment variables with the values to your Plane instance’s .env file.

  5. Save the file and restart the instance.

  6. Once you’ve completed the instance configuration, activate the Slack integration in Plane.